Rodadero Beach is a very popular beach resort in Santa Marta, located about 15 minutes from downtown, in one of the main tourist areas of the city, this destination attracts crowds of people all year round to enjoy the contrast between the beach, music, parrandas vallenatas and an atmosphere where you will find bars and nightclubs for all tastes.
El Rodadero is a very popular tourist destination, especially on weekends where national and foreign tourists gather to enjoy the sea, gastronomy and good drinks to the sound of music, later watching the sunset is a great experience.
In addition, Rodadero offers couples, families or groups of friends a wide range of accommodations, such as hotels, hostels, cabins and apartments that provide lodging services.
Rodadero’s nightlife is also full of Caribbean flavor, which makes it an atmospheric and culturally diverse destination; renowned restaurants, bars and nightclubs stand out for their excellent service and variety in gastronomy, cocktails and national and international drinks.
The Rodadero Aquarium and Museum of the Sea is one of the most popular destinations for local tourists, as they have the opportunity to learn about the marine fauna of the Caribbean, which is distributed in different natural pools and large fish tanks.
One of the most exciting attractions of the tour is the dolphin show, which lasts approximately 1 hour, in which tourists will spend a pleasant moment and an authentic experience; at the end of this activity they are given a space, so that tourists who wish, for an additional cost, can have the wonderful experience of swimming between 10 to 15 minutes with the dolphins and thus be able to close with a flourish a spectacular tour of more than two hours inside the Aquarium and Museum of the Sea of Rodadero.
Playa Blanca is located just 15 minutes by boat from El Rodadero, during the tour you will be able to appreciate other important destinations such as the Inca Inca beach and the Aquarium.
Its opening hours start at 9:00 AM, when the boats begin to leave from the north and south docks of Rodadero and the maximum return time is until 4:00 PM, which is the time allowed by the captaincy.
For a long time, Playa Blanca has been one of the best beaches in Santa Marta; this is mainly due to the crystalline tonality of the sea and its wide repertoire of aquatic and extreme activities, including canopy, snorkeling, kayaking, jet skiing, among others.
The destination offers a wide variety of seaside restaurants, which stand out for providing tourists with a very good experience and excellent quality in all dishes.
Round-trip transportation included costs between $25,000 and $30,000.
El Rodadero is one of the most commercial beaches in Santa Marta in terms of gastronomy, lodging and nightlife; it has the best discotheques in the city and also a great lodging offer.
As an extremely important fact, the first marine tunnel in Colombia was recently inaugurated, which is located in the Aquarium and whose objective is to allow tourists to observe the different species in their natural habitat.
The entrance fee to the Rodadero Aquarium and Museum of the Sea is $55,000.
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